Deathly Silence

A trickle of blood drips down,
On a picture torn apart.
Not together anymore, he's alone,
His time to depart...
Reminiscing last week,
When she lay her head upon him,
Her raven black hair brushing his cheek,
Unaware of his ephemeral whim...
He was lost & forlorn,
She knew not his desire,
Later she met someone,
Adding fuel to the fire...
He shed not a tear, joy bereft,
She cared not to seek the truth.
He broke down when she left
Men can cry too...
He sat alone with a tinge of despair,
Viscous red spread across the floor,
A bloody blade fell through the air,
The soul departed, He was no more...
Lesson learnt without a doubt,
A grim bearing looks upon us all,
Always speak your heart out,
Don't be afraid to take the fall...
I have sucessfully migrated from
Welcome to blogger! What happend to that other blog that you had on blogger, with superman and shit ? LOL
Nice poem dude..i kind off am feeling the same way now..theres pain in your words :)
Why die?? why die?? Hmm...
welcome to blogger! :)
love the picture and the poem's pretty dark.. nice
you left toooo!!!
why is everyone shifting to blogger? :(
hmm interesting poem, am shocked YOU came up with it :P
really like the line-Men can cry too..
keep blogging i guess..though i still dont understand why everyone is moving out of spaces!
psst: btw when did u gain weight huh ?? ;):P lol
all the beer ? :D or just tryina gain sympathy :P:P
Well versed piece :) indeed men are very emotional species thn female in to dark poetry. just curious ?
@ arvind
you write poetry?
you are NOT fat.
you are NOT ugly.
but you are gay!
@ Yasser - The other blog's still there. But I lost interest in it. I mean. Can you imagine updating it after 8 months or so?? Lol..
& yes.. Of course you feel the same way.. You are always in the state of depression when it comes to women.. :P
& right you are about the pain..
@ da rodent -
Maybe u haven't yet heard of the "one & only one" person in someone's life...
Or maybe, the guy in the poem hasn't heard of "plenty of fish in the sea".. Eitherway, neither of us are him, so why bother whether he's dead or alive?? :P
@ Sup - After careful calculation & drawing statistical data far beyond ur comprehensive ability, I've come to the simple conclusion.. "Spaces SUCK!"
Its slower than an old man unaided by his walker..
& Right you are.. I'm ugly & fat.. But that isn't coz of the beer.. I always was this way! :P
& Sympathy from you is like inviting a rattlesnake to chew on my dead skin..
@ Sargam - I don't know about men being more emotional.. But I do know that men do NOT tap this resource unlike women to invoke pity from far flung corners of the globe.. :P
& well.. After this, I guess I AM into dark poetry.. Lol..
Its just the mood I was in & something that was in my mind that brought out the satanic poet in me!! :)
@ Parvathi - Yes.. I write poetry..
Yes.. I AM fat..
Yes.. I AM ugly.. (I'm flattered though, that you care.. :P)
& NO! I am most certainly not gay.. Didn't you read the poem?? Or is ur mind still calculating the 1+1 quantum requisite of ur latest GRE prep?? :P
@ Isha - Thanks!! You have quite an awesome blog here too...
you are one madly frustratin individual...smack yerself for me...this is too dark for d wendi i know! GUYS! gawd help em!
@ Farah - Glad to hear from you on
& there's a lot more to 'd wendi' than you know.. :)
But for now, let me just say I'm content with this post.. & Hopefully it doesn't get darker.. :P
& Yes.. Guys!! If you have any problems, approach Farah.. It might even involve nuclear physics but she'll get you thinking.. Universal problem solver.. :P
you traitor...left the spaces...for this?? to proclaim lies about your greek god like looks...:p and write goth poetry??....ok fine i have to grudginly admit that it a great piece of writing..note the grudge...but stilllllll "please insert the whine of a 3 yr old"...stiillllllll you cant leave us at spaces...
anyhow girls...of blogger whatever ...he is the reincarnation of narcissus... and boys of blogger...he has gay tendencies...:p....
trust me on this one..
@arvind: "one and only person" ?? you mean the one that will supposedly fall into your arms directly from the sky? yeah right.
@ da rodent - I'm with you man..
But plz plz don't dash the hopes of the hundreds of hopeless romantics who wish with fervour that someone does fall from the skies...
As hazardous as it might be, for certain people like Suchi probably, who might not be able to handle the possible impact of a full grown male from the heavens.. Ppl still swear by it!
Its a constant source of entertainment for me!! :) Watching people flounder about wondering what their destinies hold for them.. Oooh!!
@ Mehnaz - Spaces & you all have something in common.. Collectively you all SUCK!! :P
Anyway, I figure my cover has been blown & you have hunted me down here too.. I guess I've no choice but to live forever in fear of you haunting me...
& although I'm flattered by ur appreciation of my poem, I can't say I feel the same way bout ur figure of free speech.. & I see ur about to tarnish my slowly building reputation here on
Give me a chance to defend myself!!
I'll see to it ur husband bans you from using the computer.. HAH!!
why will i sympathise with you..i already know tht ur not fat :P:P
gay-yeah well could be..
and spaces does NOT suck.
@arvind: haha.. yeah yeah.. one day it'll rain women :P
Well., our government acted like a 5 year old kid and blocked blogspot. So., till that thing gets resolved., you can access your blogspot blogs using
you scum of the universe....i shall hunt you down wherever i go and no one can stop me..not even the evil h word...baaaaaaaah
@ Mehnaz -
You sound like a 3 year old.. My most heartfelt condolences to Khaleel...
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